Get paid for value.

Not for time.

Fairly is a pricing, forecasting and resource management solution that helps agencies generate higher revenues and achieve greater profit margins for their ideas.

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With Fairly you...


Set your margin goal and let Fairly operate your agency to achieve it.


The Fairly dashboard provides a real-time look at the up-to-date status of your business.


Make decisions with certainty because you know (for the first time ever) the actual state of your business.


See who on your team is underutilized. Who’s getting crushed. And who is delivering the most value.


Insert dancing emoji here. Never fill out another timesheet.


Have confidence that with every scope you write, you will make money.


Automate many of the laborious parts of scope writing, pricing and agency resource management.


No more wondering how a job ended up losing money. Or how your end-of-year margin got so small.

Get more:


Set your margin goal and let Fairly operate your agency to achieve it.


The Fairly dashboard provides a real-time look at the up-to-date status of your business.


Make decisions with certainty because you know (for the first time ever) the actual state of your business.


See who on your team is underutilized. Who’s getting crushed. And who is delivering the most value.


Do less:


Insert dancing emoji here. Never fill out another timesheet.


Have confidence that with every scope you write, you will make money.


Automate many of the laborious parts of scope writing, pricing and agency resource management.


No more wondering how a job ended up losing money. Or how your end-of-year margin got so small.

Want to increase your operating margins?
Let us show you how it's done.

Make more money

Get paid Fairly.

The biggest threat to the advertising industry is pricing pressure. Agencies are in the business of selling ideas, but no one knows how to price them. So agencies have sold the time involved in creating an idea, rather than the value an idea brings to a business. And in doing so, they have allowed their offerings to become commoditized — effectively reducing their ability to deliver better work.

A push for Fair(ly)ness.

We’re revolutionizing how advertising agencies operationalize their businesses and go to market by using a progressive approach to value-based pricing that helps agency leaders demand higher revenues and achieve greater profit margins for their ideas.

The Fairly way:

Write a tight scope of work

Successful value-based pricing requires asking the right questions upfront and creating detailed scopes of works that are rooted in driving real results. Fairly teaches your team the fundamentals of value-based pricing and ensures that scopes are written to drive real value for your clients.

Set the right price

David Baker, management consultant to the advertising industry, measured 3,000+ firms and found that, “more than 85% of firms are not even getting paid for the time they are spending (inputs), much less the value they are creating (outputs).” Fairly’s algorithm provides informed and accurate pricing to ensure that you’re charging the right prices for your ideas so that you can generate higher revenues and achieve greater profit margins.

Manage and forecast resources

Believe it or not, it’s possible (and surprisingly easy!) to plan resources without using timesheets. Fairly’s model provides real-time resource management insights to tell you who’s busy and who’s not, allowing you to efficiently and effectively manage valuable resources and maximize your profitability.

Track the metrics that matter most. No timesheets.

Timesheets don't price value, they price time. And time and value are not created equal. The Fairly dashboard provides a real-time snapshot of the key business indicators that matter most and gives you a better understanding of what’s happening within your business on a deeper level.

TL;DR? No more timesheets.
And better margins.

Run a better business

Meet your Fairly

Adland can function without timescrolls. No, really. Can't imagine what that's like? Answer a few question for me, your Fairly Godmother, and I'll craft a Fairlytale that can show you, and (more importantly) The-Great-Big-Powers-That-Be, that we can all live Fairly ever after without timescrolls.

Start getting paid Fairly.

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